Friday, 31 May 2019

May 2019

Glen, Helen and Nikki chalked up another year this month which has seen a lot of water fall from the sky in Northern Malaysia. It is the peak of the nesting season and there should be plenty of action but the weather and fate as determined otherwise (more later).

Helen continues her teaching with a fair turnover but mostly replacements arriving regularly.
Dani and Rob have been on holiday in Crete while Nikki was given a huge box of chocolates by a grateful patient for her kind attention.

We have had some reasonable action on the house in April and the first part of May but nothing in the last two weeks. We were told 3 weeks ago that one punter had accepted the asking price and was going for a bank loan. Two weeks ago we had a couple who seemed rally interested. The husband said ‘give me two weeks’ which is up today....but no word.

The weather has been uncharacteristically wet and this has limited photography. Coco benefits by getting more beach walks....she is always so excited when she knows where she is going. I like getting there as the sun comes up.

My main bee-eater location was compromised progressively from its heyday as a motocross track. The Chestnut-headed Bee-eaters did not return this year and my kingfisher mate has gone to the big tree in the sky.  

The good old days

The nesting grounds were compromised last year when the front half was cleared of vegetation and ploughed. I could access the rear section, which was the main nesting field.

The front section in 2012


The front part flattened to the road in 2019

The Blue-throated Bee-eaters came in in the first weeks of March and have provided action ever since. They are there still there but in less numbers than before....perhaps around 30. Currently, many are feeding nests...which are often cryptically concealed in the vegetation. The Chestnuts use muddy banks and the Blue-throated can do the same but also drill straight into the flat ground

Notice the bird on the right is deploying 'slats' the appendages on the front of the wing.
These were only recent additions to aeroplane wings to increase flight performance.

Last Monday a lot of locals arrived on the scene bearing plans. My enquiry revealed the back part will be cleared in a few months and the whole area used for vegetable plots. This field has been so good to me....half my competition images derive from this place.

At Air Hitam the owls are still around but no sign of a nest. It was quiet there this week with lizards and macaques ending up on the card.

During the down-time as a consequence of the inclement weather. I have set-up a new website. There are two major reasons for this; This one is easily readable on iPhones, it is well supported and connected to Google searches.

Elsewhere I saw the Comedy Wildlife finalists for this year. I did not enter as I could not match farting penguins.

The quiz has gone well when we have had our full team with 3 wins and a third when our numbers were down.

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